1 minute reading time (217 words)

Happy Christmas from James Doran-Webb

Rainbow over Muscovado at Gladwell Patterson’s Mr Molecey’s Marvellous Mill
My Red Kites in front of a magnificent Lincolnshire skyscape
Les Stringer’s shot of the Red Kites

After dismantling the Ruttland exhibition, my merry installation team and I transported the 3,000 kg of sculptures South (with the help of the Magnificent Steve and his long suffering lorry) to the Harleyford Golf Course for a brief presentation and weekend exhibition event.

And then we braved the wicked weather and high seas on a 28 hour sea voyage to wind swept, squally Jersey to the glorious setting of Trinity Manor.

Signor Tibor the shark welcomes visitors to Trinity Manor, Jersey.
My Kingfisher heads for the skies after catching dinner.
My Puffin has a beak full of sandeels!

And then, on the last day in Jersey having packed everything but the last Raven, I met a little friend who came down to wish me a Merry Christmas! 

The Flight of the Wyvern
Fire and Water

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